Pilar Ossorio is currently (2019) Professor of Law and Bioethics at the University of Wisconsin - Madison.
What role should race play in health research and medicine?
episode 1
Are there distinct traits or characteristics of each race?
episode 1
Why do people who need organ and bone marrow transplants tend to match more with people of the same ethnic or racial background?
episode 1
Is it true that people metabolize drugs at different rates and that this correlates with "racial" groupings?
episode 1
Does the series suggest there are no genetic differences between populations?
episode 1
Are sickle cell and Tay-Sachs racial diseases?
episode 1
How do you explain 98% genetic similarity but huge phenotypic variation?
episode 1
How are subjects selected for drug studies by race?
episode 1
Aren't racial differences hard wired?
episode 1
Pilar Ossorio
A look at biological notions of race, how race is socially real, health consequences of race, and drug company research and classification.
Pilar Ossorio is currently (2019) Professor of Law and Bioethics at the University of Wisconsin - Madison.
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Copyright 2018-2019, California Newsreel and Regents of the University of California. This website was jointly produced by California Newsreel, the Othering & Belonging Institute, the U.C. Berkeley Library, and the American Cultures Center at U.C. Berkeley, based on original material created by California Newsreel in 2003.